The explanation for purchasing a RVsitebuilder license from us is following.
RVsitebuilder license is a server base license that you can purchase one license for one physical server (15USD per month or 150USD per year) and install for unlimited domain names on the same server.
Sample if you have a server consists of 30 domain names and these domain names will build websites with RVsitbuilder, you will need a license of RVsitebuilder for this server.
To purchase license, please visit here
To install
Once the payment completed, the license will be immediately active that you can install it on your server by 2 options.
1. If your server is cPanel WHM and you have you ROOT privilege to access to WHM and SSH. You can install by running one command for the entire server by this guide:
2. If your server is the other control panel system or non control panel, you can install RVSitebuilder on the each domain name by this guide:
This way , it has to be installed on each domain name , not one command line for the entire server.
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