How to make order for licenses with RVglobalsoft (RVskin, RVsitebuilder, cPanel, Softaculous, Cloudlinux, Virtualizor).
1. Whether you have an account with us or not, once you selected a product to order you’ll be leaded to this page. And the unregistered account will be required to register.
1) Add the IP you want to order the license.
Server IP Address: the IP of your server
If your server is running behind NAT/Firewall. Please add Private IP in Server IP Address first, the second field to add Public IP will be shown automatically. If IP Addresses in these two fields are not correct, the installation will not be successful.
Server IP Address: the Private IP
Public IP Address: the Public IP if your server is running behind NAT or Firewall
2) Server Type: Dedicated or VPS
3) Cart subtotal today: The first invoice will calculate at pro-rate from the order date to the next 7th.
4) Recurring: Billing Cycle you selected.
2. You may order more than one product in the same time by choosing other products from the list in “Additional Products” below of the page. To order more, the price will be updated in “Cart summary” on the right hand.
3. Press “Continue”.
Change IP and Update license
You can do it in your account -> Services -> Licenses.
1. Search IP you want to change IP
2. License Status must be “Active” only
3. Click "Manage" button to open "Service Management" function.
Once the Service Management page opens, you will see "Change IP" with 2 buttons, you can click either A or B.
Once the Change IP page comes, just insert the new IP.
Server IP Address: the IP of your server
Public IP Address: the public IP if your server is running behind NAT or Firewall
Once you inserted the destined IP to the field, our system will validate automatically, and the "Change IP" button will be appeared to submit.
In case your current license is with Public IP and you want to update to a license behind NAT IP, please contact our staff to update it for you.

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