RVskin Auto Installation:
You are able to do it by running below command in SSH or in your script.
mkdir /root/rvadmin
cd /root/rvadmin
wget http://download.rvglobalsoft.com/download.php/download/rvskin-auto/saveto/rvauto.tar.bz2
bunzip2 -d rvauto.tar.bz2
tar -xvf rvauto.tar
perl /root/rvadmin/auto_rvskin.pl -p="xxxxxxx"
-p is the rvadmin password, 6 characters are minimum.
While installing RVskin, it will create rvadmin hosting account, which is used as a place holder to maintain configuration and allows cPanel to backup its data in case that the server is running the backup runtime.
**Do not terminate rvdamin hosting account as it is systematically required.
The above command will lead you to install RVskin and also enable the auto-update. If you want to skip the auto-update, you can just specify -s as an argument.
perl /root/rvadmin/auto_rvskin.pl -p="xxxxxxx" -s="1"
All users are recommended to go to RVskin Manager in order to configure and manage RVskin upon their preferences, please access to root WHM -> Plugins -> RVglobalsoft Manager -> Theme Manager. Please keep your users posted that they are prohibited to terminate rvdamin hosting account as it is systematically required.
To set RVskin as a default theme, change user's theme, and change user's language, please check instruction at https://rvskin.com/rvskin/installation/ and scroll down to the bottom of the page.
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