If you finished making order and payment, your RVsitebuilder license will be automatically active.
You can install RVsitebuilder in your server by root privilege.
For cPanel
1. SSH to the server by root privilege, and run the following command.
cd /usr/src; rm -fv rvsitebuilderinstall.sh; wget http://download.rvglobalsoft.com/rvsitebuilderinstall.sh; chmod +x rvsitebuilderinstall.sh; ./rvsitebuilderinstall.sh
2. Once the installation in SSH is complete. Access to WHM by root privilege, and go to RVglobalsoft Manager -> RVsitebuilder Setup. And continue the steps until it's done.
For DirectAdmin
1. SSH to the server by root privilege, and run the following command.
cd /usr/src; rm -fv rvsitebuilderdainstall.sh; wget http://download.rvglobalsoft.com/rvsitebuilderdainstall.sh; chmod +x rvsitebuilderdainstall.sh; ./rvsitebuilderdainstall.sh
1.1 For DirectAdmin with PHP 5.6 only (If yours is a PHP lower version, please ignore this and go to Step 2)
1.1.1 Build RVsitebuilder to be compatible with PHP 5.6 by running the following command.
perl /usr/local/directadmin/plugins/rvsitebuilderinstaller/admin/installphpda.pl
1.1.2 Build RVSeagullMod to be compatible with PHP 5.6 by running the following command.
perl /usr/local/rvglobalsoft/rvsitebuilderinstaller/autoinstaller.cgi --force=rvseagullmod
2. Increase the value of numservers from 5 to 15
by going to file /usr/local/directadmin/conf/directadmin.conf
and change :
3. Go to DirectAdmin -> Admin level -> RVsitebuilder Admin.
4. After completed the installation go to DirectAdmin as username "admin" -> RVsitebuilder Admin and configure the database.
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