Permission of file /var/cpanel/rvglobalsoft/rvsitebuilder/rvsitebuilder.lic is not correct. It should be 0464.
There are two resolutions.
1. Update RVsitebuilder to the latest version, it'll no longer appear the error.
2. If the error keep appearing, please run the command below.
For cPanel >= 11.26
/usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/php/53/bin/php -d disable_functions="" -d register_globals="Off" -d suhosin.executor.func.blacklist="" -d memory_limit=128M -d max_execution_time=3600 -d safe_mode=0 /var/cpanel/rvglobalsoft/rvsitebuilder/updatelicense.php
For cPanel < 11.26
php -d disable_functions="" -d register_globals="Off" -d suhosin.executor.func.blacklist="" -d memory_limit=128M -d max_execution_time=3600 -d safe_mode=0 /var/cpanel/rvglobalsoft/rvsitebuilder/updatelicense.php
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