To have Google Analytics Report on your website admin area at Marketing dashboard, you will need to set Google API as the following guide.
Google API Setup
1. Register at
2.Create a new Google API for your domain name.
2.1 New with a fresh Google API
In Google APIs page, click Create for setting your new Google API.
(pic in user doc, not this one)
2.2 You have experience and/or have some domain with current Google API active.
1) Click on project lisy
2) Click "NEW PROJECT"
3. Insert your Project Name, and click Create.
4. Once the new project has been created, at Google APIs select your created project and click Credential.
5. In Create credentials drop-down list, select OAuth client ID
6. Then, select Configure consent screen.
7. Create your Product name shown to users and website URL at Homepage URL
For example: Product name shown to users : Calm Seas
Homepage URL :
8. At Create OAuth client ID page.
1) Select Web application
2) Create a name for recognizable
3) Insert Authorized JavaScript origins*
4.1) Insert Callback URL for MKT Setting* (Enter or click Create to add another field for 4.2)
4.2) Insert Callback URL for Social Login*
*Please login to your website admin, go to Marketing -> Go to Setup to bring the value for inserting 3, 4.1 and 4.2.
5) Don't forget to click Save.
9. The Client ID and Client Secret are showing that you can copy before leaving this page by clicking OK.
10. Once you clicked OK to leave OAuth client, at Google APIs page , select Library.
11. Search for the following API setups to Enable them.
- Analytics API
- Google Analytics Reporting API
- Google Search Console API
- Google+ API
- Site Verification API
Sameple: Google Search Console API
Click Enable to activate the API.
12. Login to your website admin, go to Marketing -> Go to Setup to insert Client ID and Client Secret form number 9.
Then click Create Google Authorization
(You can find details from number 9 at Google API, menu Credential, click on the created project.)
13. Once the detail are are successfully submitted, you will be leased to Google Login page.
Select account you want to use for Google Analytics setup for your website.
14. Allow Google to access by clicking ALLOW.
15. Once the setup completed, you will see Google API Setup page.
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