Set an Email Template for every email sent out to your visitors and admin. Use the same style, Header, and footer to be more unique.
This email template can be used for
User Side
- Online Form: An email which will be sent to a user who submits the online form.
- Reset password email: When a visitor clicked forgets password on website login area and need to reset it.
- Verify Email: Email approval for identifying the correct visitor email. Authentication your visitor by clicking confirm on their email.
- Welcome Email: A greeting email which sends out when visitors approve the verification email.
Admin Side
- Online Form: An email alert to inform that your visitor has submitted an online form on your website
- New active user: An email alert to inform that you have a new member.
1. On editor area, click Email
2. Choosing template
3. Selecting an email page which you want to adjust. Click on User tab for choosing the email which sends to a user and Admin tab for choosing the email which sent to admin.
Noted: 1. If you need to use the same template for all email just set the global on master page.
2. A submission online form email will show when you created an online form on your website.
4. You can change the background, custom the header and footer of the email.
Change Email Header
Please be noted that to changing the Header later, it will reset the background color which you chose. So, please select the Header first, then select your background color.
Change Background Color
Change Footer
5. Also, you can change the email subject.
6. Preview and send test your email. See how it works on the visitor's view.
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