On RVsitebuilder version 6, the insert button is laid on a toolbox. But on RVsitebuilder 7, more efficiency working, we put it on the top of the program. So the users can obviously see and easily use it.
On the top of the program, click at Insert. You may click on the blue pin to lock this bar.
How this button can be worked?
Insert Link
Making content or image to link to document, file, website, bookmark, email, or page.
Insert Image
Full Image Manager is our new feature in RVsitebuilder 7, which will be the image tool to upload an image, replace the image, and edit an image with a full of tools more than our previous!
Insert Table
Presenting all the details of each record or comparison data, the tables are the best way to go.
Insert Youtube
Getting more attractive with a video which you just paste a Youtube link, easier and faster, no need upload on your server and save the disk space for other things.
Insert Icon
An awesome website creates by Font Awesome. Another gimmick of RVsitebuilder 7, we provide more than a hundred icons which you can insert in the content area.
Insert Special Character
Some of extra characters and symbols can't type on a keyboard, but you can insert it with this feature.
Insert Separate Line
If your content has a lot of paragraphs, using a separate line to make visitors can read easier.
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