RVsitebuilder can be installed on every control panel. Just configure your server to meet our requirement. You can install by following our instruction.
Before starting to install RVsitebuilder 7, you can check the server requirement as the following
- PHP 7.3-7.4
- MySQL 5.7+
- PHP Extension: 'mysqlnd','PDO','gd','curl','iconv','mbstring','zip','json','fileinfo','exif','bcmath','ctype',
'openssl','tokenizer','xml','pdo_mysql' - PHP INI Confuguration: 'memory_limit' => 64M
- No root required.
- Make sure the firewall on your server doesn't block the following domains.
files.mirror1.rvsitebuilder.com - By running the installation command, it means you're agreed to accept our End User License Agreement
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