The below error may appear on the installation processing. We separate the solution to solve the issue by the operating system.
Error: RVsitebuilder version 7.4 require PHP version 7.3 - 7.4 only. Please change your PHP version 7.1 (How to resolve problem).
Solution: Set PHP Version for Domain
1. Login to your cPanel
2. Select "MultiPHP Manager" under a Software category.
3. Select domain and assign php version :
Recommended "PHP 7.3 (alt-php73)" or "PHP 7.4 (ea-php74)
Error: Fatal error or RVsitebuilder CMS crashing.
Solution: Force update RVsitebuilder
Go to RVsitebuilder 7 Plugin and click Action Repair.
Installation issue on CloudLinux
Installation issue on EasyApache 4
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