Installation issue on EasyApache 4
If you are not Hosting Provider, please contact your hosting provider whom you rent the control panel with to do it for you.
Error: Please allow extension : 'mysqlnd','pdo','gd','curl','iconv','mbstring','zip','posix_getpwuid'
Solution: Enable PHP extensions for ea-php (EasyApache4)
For Hosting Provider
1. Log into WHM as root.
2. Type ‘EasyApache‘ into the search field in the top left of WHM.
3. Under the Software category, click on EasyApache 4.
4. In the Currently Installed Packages section, click on the Customize button.
5. Click on the PHP Extensions option from the left.
6. In the Search field, type to enter the extension name which you need to install.
7. Click the toggle button(s) next to the PHP version(s) that you would like the PHP extension installed for.
8. Click the Review option from the left.
9. Confirm the options you selected are listed under the “Please review the following list of packages you are about to install by provisioning this profile.” section. Then, click the Provision button.
10. Once the installation is completed, you will receive a message: “The provision process is complete”. Click the Done button to finish.
Error: Please allow function : 'curl', 'json', 'parse_ini_file', 'file_put_contents'.
Solution: Enable PHP function for ea-php (EasyApache4)
Reconfiguration on cPanel/WHM
1 Log in to WHM
2. Go to Home->Software->MultiPHP INI Editor.
3. Choose the Editor Mode tab.
4. From the drop-down list choose the PHP version.
5 .In the configuration window that will be opened, search for “disable_functions”.
6. Remove 'curl', 'json', 'parse_ini_file', 'file_put_contents' on "disable_functions" and Save.
Reconfiguration via root SSH access.
1. Log into your server via SSH as ‘root’ user
2. Find the main PHP configuration file on the server
Run the below command to find the php.ini configuration file on your server
php --ini
php -i | grep php.ini
You can see that PHP configuration file on server is /opt/cpanel/ea-php72/root/etc/php.ini
3. Backup php.ini file before editing with command
cp -a /opt/cpanel/ea-php72/root/etc/php.ini /opt/cpanel/ea-php72/root/etc/php.ini.original
4. Edit php.ini file by removing 'curl', 'json', 'parse_ini_file', 'file_put_contents'
5. Restart EasyApache after doing the above steps.
Error: Please set memory_limit more than 64
Solution: Define PHP limit (php.ini) for ea-php (EasyApache4)
1 Log in to WHM.
2. Go to Home->Software->MultiPHP INI Editor.
3. Select PHP version.
4. Increase value on memory_limit more than 64M.
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