When you click Edit your website, but cannot go further than Update Template process.
Solutions (cPanel, DirectAdmin)
Solutions for both cPanel and DirectAdmin needs server access as server admin. Please contact your Host Provider to do the following guide for you.
For cPanel
1. Go to WHM -> RVglobalsoft Manager -> RVsitebuilder Manager.
2. In System Configuration -> Template Options. And set On-Demand Template = NO
3. Run force update with the following command.
perl /usr/local/cpanel/whostmgr/docroot/cgi/rvsitebuilderinstaller/autoinstaller.cgi --force
4. Go back to RVglobalsoft Manager -> RVsitebuilder Setup, and finish the Setup process.
5. Access to RVsitebuilder on control panel of user to edit website again.
For DirectAdmin
1. Go to DirectAdmin Admin -> RVsitebuilder Admin.
2. In System Configuration -> Template Options. And set On-Demand Template = NO
3. Run force update with the following command.
perl /usr/local/rvglobalsoft/rvsitebuilderinstaller/autoinstaller.cgi --force
4. Go back to DirectAdmin Admin -> RVsitebuilder Admin to rebuild database and complete it.
5. Access to RVsitebuilder on control panel of user to edit website again.
6. If this doesn't fix on your DirectAdmin server. Please follow this solution further.
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