Normally, to insert media file to display on page, we suggest using Youtube Insert feature in order to save disk space on your account. But if you are fine with the space you can use iframe to display the file.
Insert media as Youtube via Insert feature
1. On Content tab, click Insert select Youtube.
2. Insert Youtube URL.
Insert Youtube via Video section
1. On Content tab, click Section and select on from Video section.
2. Click on Youtube widget to edit Youtube URL.
3. Insert Youtube URL.
Use iframe
1. Upload file into File Manager at public_html/{domain_name}
2. Back to RVsitebuilder 7, at the page you want to insert file. Click on the wanted area and click Edit HTML.
3. Insert the following code and Save. Don't forget to change it to your domain name and file name.
<iframe src="" width="100%" height="700" scrolling="no"></iframe>
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