Installation Troubleshooting
- RVsitebuilder setup database error MDB2 Error: unknown error : _doConnect: [Error message: Too many connections]
- How to increase upload_max_filesize, post_max_size over 105M (in WHM).
- Publish website gets stuck on Copying files. MySQL [Warning] Aborted connection and error reading communication packets.
- Setup RVsitebuilder 6 error "databasename is already existed"
- Update RVsitebuilder 6 Error 500 in Setup process (in WHM)
- Setup RVsitebuilder 6 in WHM never completes, problem on ioncube loader
- Cannot connect DB while doing RVsitebuilder installation
- Cannot execute pear
- DirectAdmin cannot download .tar.gz file for RVsitebuilder Installation
- First setup RVsitebuilder got SSL license error
- First setup RVsitebuilder in WHM error "require backup native database before convert database to UTF-8"
- First setup RVsitebuilder in WHM stop at "Upgrade Pear RV/SeagullMod with file package.xml...please wait..."
- How can I get rid of a license error "the license file /var/cpanel/rvglobalsoft/rvsitebuilder/rvsitebuilder.lic has expired."?
- I got 'Sorry, Cannot find remote access key' error while install RVsitebuilder. How to fix it?
- I got the error 'Cannot find pear on this server'. How to fix it?
- I upgraded MySQL and got internal server error when accessing to RVsitebuilder. How can I fix it?
- Installation error "Cannot execute pear command because must be installed for pthread_cancel to work"
- Installation process hang, very slow, download package invalid
- Md5sum command is not support. How to fix it?
- My /usr is using 98%, is it possible to install in another partition?
- My /var is using 98%, is it possible to install in another partition?
- MySQL strict mode function, breaks RVsitebuilder program
- PEAR installation problem
- RVsitebuilder error after the server upgraded to PHP 5.5
- RVsitebuilder Installation stuck at download packages from
- Validating license for my IP failed in the installation process
- 5.2.13 Website Publish error : Fatal error: Cannot make non static method SGL_FrontController: ...
- Autofixphp error in RVsitebuilder Manager WHM
- Cannot edit project in RVsitebuilder, "Upload Template" stuck or error "Project missing!"
- Found bug in RVsitebuilder. How can I do?