Install & Create Site Troubleshooting
- Create site error "Error: Please allow extension : fileinfo"
- Update RVsitebuilder version 7.3 to 7.4 error "Load package data failed."
- RVsitebuilder 7 in cPanel shows Blank page
- Create site error Require PHP version
- Create site stuck without error message
- Installation Error Disk space is not enough on your website
- Create site error "Error: Please allow function : 'posix_getpwuid', 'getmyuid', 'fileowner', 'stat', 'file_put_contents', 'parse_ini_file'"
- Create site error "Error: Please allow extension : 'mysqlnd','pdo','gd','curl','iconv', .......
- Create site error "Error: Please set max_execution_time more than 90"
- Create site error "Error: Please set memory_limit more than 64M."
- Create site error "Error: Please allow function : json"
- Create site error "Error: Please allow extension : json"
- Create site error Running tar command unzip failed
- Create site error "Not enough database"
- Repair website error Prepare Installer : HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently
- Edit website returns Admin Login instead of content editor
- Create site error "Your connection is not private" domain name doesn't have SSL Certificate installed.
- Create Site or Repair error Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded on LiteSpeed
- Create site error "Download Vendor : Extract bundle_vendor"
- Create site error Prepare installer
- Create site error "Error encountered while running 'tar' command. gzip"
- How to fix internal errors (400, 403,404,500,502,503,504 on creating site with RVsitebuilder 7
- Error encountered while running 'tar' command. gzip: stdin has more than one entry--rest ignored /bin/tar: Child returned status 2 /bin/tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
- RVsitebuilder Error with 4xx or 5xx (can't reslove domain)
- RVsitebuilder Error htaccess 301,302 when click Create new site in RVsitebuilder7 cPanel
- Warning "Can't connect Database for {}" while going to Edit website in cPanel
- RVsitebuilder 7 error 500 when I clicked Edit
- What to do when "Repair" appears when I'm going to edit my website?
- Installation errors related to SSL, Net::SSLeay Error, HTTP/1.0 900 NET OR SSL ERROR SSL_connect
- Installation issue on EasyApache